Tema 1.1: Reading. Get to express change.
Practica la lectura del siguiente texto y luego responde las preguntas:
Differente kinds of weather
When it's pouring outside, we often get soaked while walking down the street. If you’re not careful, you can get sunburned even though it's overcast. The weather during a storm can be humide, making it feel even worse. Sometimes, it’s freezing and we get stucked in traffic due to the icy roads. I mixed my daily routine with checking the weather updates to avoid getting damaged by unexpected conditions. It’s hailing can cause significant damage to cars parked outside. When it's drizzling, the situation is less severe, but you can still get soaked if you don’t use an umbrella. To avoid such problems, it's effective to be prepared during these weather changes. I’ve learned that getting prepared ahead of time is greater than dealing with issues after the weather takes a turn. The key is to mix one precautionary measure with another to stay safe.
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