Tema 4.2: Reading. Embedded wh - questions.
Practica la lectura del siguiente texto y luego responde las preguntas:
A Visit to the Pharmacy
Last week, I went to the pharmacy because I forgot to buy some important medications. I was looking for painkillers and some bandages, but I wasn't sure where they were. I asked a professional at the counter if she could help me. She explained where the syringes and thermometers were and also told me that the cream I needed was in the same aisle as the bottles of syrup. I wanted to make sure everything was due for my treatment, so I asked her what the processes were for buying pills. The ointment I wanted had been damaged in the shipment, so I decided not to buy it. The professional also explained that the syrup was out of stock and would be available later. I made sure to ask why the items were out of stock before leaving for home. These small matters can make a big difference.
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