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1.What did Moses do in front of the Pharaoh?
2.Where did the Pharaoh sit when Moses was speaking?
3.What happened to the Nile during the first plague?
4.What did the frogs invade during the second plague?
5.Where did Moses stand during the plagues?
6.What appeared after the frogs?
7.What did the Pharaoh see when darkness covered the land?
8.What did the Pharaoh finally agree to after the last plague?
9.Where was the Pharaoh when the darkness occurred?
10.Which plague led the Pharaoh to agree to let the Israelites go?
11.What was Moses doing when the Pharaoh refused to listen?
12.How many plagues affected Egypt?
13.What did the Pharaoh do when the gnats appeared?
14.What was the first plague in Egypt?
15.Where did the Pharaoh sit when the plagues were happening?
16.What did the darkness cause in Egypt?
17.What was Moses’ task before the Pharaoh?
18.What did the Pharaoh do after the firstborns died?
19.What happened when the Pharaoh ignored the plagues?
20.How did the Pharaoh finally react to the plagues?
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