Tema 7.2: Reading. Would rather (than).






Practica la lectura del siguiente texto y luego responde las preguntas:


A Doctor's Daily Decisions

A doctor in Wisconsin faces difficult choices every day. For example, some doctors would rather treat the liver than the kidneys, as the price of surgery on the liver is more manageable. There are times when the heart requires immediate attention, but a doctor might rather not perform surgery on the pancreas due to complications. On a daily basis, a doctor must decide whether to examine the brain or the lungs, depending on the patient's condition. If a patient is experiencing issues with their bladder, the doctor might rather treat that over addressing the esophagus. It's not easy, but these decisions are crucial. Sometimes, the choice comes down to what the doctor feels is best for the patient, like whether to operate on the intestines or focus on the stomach. The doctor’s skill and experience help in making the right choice, on the spot, and icy conditions don’t stop them.

Evaluación de Comprensión


Selecciona la respuesta correcta:

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Lea el siguiente texto y seleccione las respuesta correctas:

A Thorough Surgery: A Complex Heart and Organ Procedure

The patient was prepared for surgery early in the morning. The doctors were ready to operate on his heart, which had been weakened due to years of stress. After administering anesthesia, the surgeon carefully began the procedure. First, the heart was examined to identify any blockages or damaged areas. Once the heart was stabilized, the surgeon proceeded to check the lungs. The lungs were clear, but the doctor noticed some minor scarring.

The next step was to examine the liver. There was slight inflammation, but nothing that would require immediate action. The doctor then moved on to the kidneys, ensuring they were functioning properly. After confirming the kidneys were in good condition, attention shifted to the stomach. The stomach appeared healthy, but there was a small issue with the pancreas. The pancreas was slightly enlarged, but the doctor decided it could wait.

Next, the surgeon looked at the intestines, which were in a stable condition. The esophagus was checked, and the doctor was relieved to find no complications. Finally, the bladder was carefully examined to ensure no damage had occurred during the operation. After several hours of meticulous work, the surgery was completed successfully.

Ejercicio de Selección de Respuestas

Escoge la respuesta correcta

1. La frase que mejor se adapta a "The patient was prepared for surgery early in the morning."

  • a) The patient was already prepared for surgery at noon.
  • b) The patient was getting ready for a procedure in the afternoon.
  • c) The patient was not ready for the surgery in the morning.
  • d) The surgery started in the evening, and preparations were made.
  • e) The surgery preparations began early in the morning.
  • f) The patient’s surgery was delayed until the afternoon.

2. La frase que mejor se adapta a "The doctors were ready to operate on his heart, which had been weakened due to years of stress."

  • a) The heart surgery was not necessary in the end.
  • b) The doctors were ready to operate, but the heart had no issues.
  • c) The doctors were set to perform surgery on his heart, which was weakened from years of stress.
  • d) The heart surgery was cancelled due to complications.
  • e) The doctors were prepared to fix the heart, which had been injured in an accident.
  • f) The doctors were unsure if they would operate on the heart.

3. La frase que mejor se adapta a "After administering anesthesia, the surgeon carefully began the procedure."

  • a) The anesthesia was not administered before the procedure.
  • b) The surgeon gave the patient anesthesia and then paused the procedure.
  • c) After giving anesthesia, the surgeon started the surgery.
  • d) The surgeon carefully started the procedure before administering anesthesia.
  • e) The surgeon began the procedure without anesthesia.
  • f) The surgery began before anesthesia was given to the patient.

4. La frase que mejor se adapta a "First, the heart was examined to identify any blockages or damaged areas."

  • a) The doctor checked the brain before proceeding to the heart.
  • b) The heart was checked for any infections or scars.
  • c) The surgeon immediately started examining the lungs first.
  • d) The surgeon examined the heart to check for blockages or damage.
  • e) The heart was ignored, and the doctor moved to other organs.
  • f) The heart was not examined, and the surgeon moved to another area.

5. La frase que mejor se adapta a "Once the heart was stabilized, the surgeon proceeded to check the lungs."

  • a) After the heart was stable, the surgeon checked the lungs.
  • b) The surgeon skipped checking the lungs after stabilizing the heart.
  • c) After the heart was stable, the surgeon examined the liver.
  • d) The heart was left unstabilized before checking the lungs.
  • e) The lungs were not checked at all during the procedure.
  • f) The lungs were checked before the heart was stabilized.

6. La frase que mejor se adapta a "The lungs were clear, but the doctor noticed some minor scarring."

  • a) The lungs were healthy, and no scarring was observed.
  • b) The lungs appeared clear, but there was minor scarring.
  • c) The lungs were blocked with severe scarring.
  • d) The lungs had a major issue that needed immediate treatment.
  • e) The lungs had no issues and looked perfectly healthy.
  • f) There was severe damage to the lungs, requiring urgent attention.

7. La frase que mejor se adapta a "The next step was to examine the liver."

  • a) The liver was not a priority, so it was not checked.
  • b) The surgeon began by examining the brain instead of the liver.
  • c) The next procedure involved examining the liver.
  • d) The liver was found to be in perfect condition.
  • e) The liver was not examined in the surgery.
  • f) The liver examination was postponed for later.

8. La frase que mejor se adapta a "There was slight inflammation, but nothing that would require immediate action."

  • a) The inflammation of the liver caused immediate concern for surgery.
  • b) The liver was in perfect condition with no signs of damage.
  • c) There was no sign of inflammation in the liver at all.
  • d) The liver was severely inflamed, requiring immediate treatment.
  • e) The liver showed slight inflammation, but no urgent action was needed.
  • f) The liver needed urgent attention due to major inflammation.

9. La frase que mejor se adapta a "The doctor then moved on to the kidneys, ensuring they were functioning properly."

  • a) The kidneys were not a concern during the procedure.
  • b) The kidneys were not functioning, so immediate action was required.
  • c) The doctor checked the kidneys to see if they were inflamed.
  • d) The kidneys were found to be malfunctioning during the surgery.
  • e) The doctor skipped the kidneys and examined the stomach first.
  • f) The surgeon checked the kidneys to confirm they were working correctly.

10. La frase que mejor se adapta a "After confirming the kidneys were in good condition, attention shifted to the stomach."

  • a) The stomach was found to be damaged, requiring immediate surgery.
  • b) After ensuring the kidneys were fine, the doctor moved to the stomach.
  • c) The stomach was checked before the kidneys.
  • d) The stomach was not examined during the procedure.
  • e) The kidneys were not relevant to the procedure, so attention shifted to the liver.
  • f) The kidneys were left unchecked while the surgeon examined the stomach.
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