Tema 7.2: Listening. Would rather (than).






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Ejercicio de Selección de Respuestas

1. What was the first symptom John experienced when he woke up?

  • a) John felt fine and energetic.
  • b) John had pain in his legs and feet.
  • c) John felt unusually tired and had tightness in his chest.
  • d) John had a fever and chills.
  • e) John was feeling hungry and thirsty.
  • f) John had a headache and dizziness.

2. What did John decide to do when he realized something wasn't right?

  • a) He decided to wait until the next day.
  • b) He decided to visit the doctor.
  • c) He decided to stay in bed and rest.
  • d) He decided to take medicine on his own.
  • e) He called a friend for advice.
  • f) He decided to drink some water and relax.

3. What did the doctor suggest they would rather do with John’s heart?

  • a) The doctor suggested they would rather try a different treatment.
  • b) The doctor suggested they would rather send him home to rest.
  • c) The doctor suggested that John should avoid working out to protect his heart.
  • d) The doctor suggested they would rather run some tests on his heart to understand the cause of his sy
  • e) The doctor suggested that they would rather monitor his heart with no tests.
  • f) The doctor suggested they would rather prescribe medication for his heart.

4. Why did the doctor want to run tests on John’s heart right away?

  • a) The doctor wanted to wait and see if the symptoms went away.
  • b) The doctor wanted to run tests because John was feeling tired.
  • c) The doctor suggested it was just stress, so no tests were needed.
  • d) The doctor wanted to run tests right away because of John’s family history with heart-related issues
  • e) The doctor was unsure of the cause and decided to do tests as a precaution.
  • f) The doctor wanted to test John’s heart because of his age.

5. What did the doctor want to check besides John’s heart?

  • a) The doctor wanted to check his eyes for any vision problems.
  • b) The doctor wanted to check his skin for any rashes.
  • c) The doctor wanted to check his lungs because of his shallow breathing.
  • d) The doctor wanted to check his teeth due to a sore jaw.
  • e) The doctor wanted to check his legs because of swelling.
  • f) The doctor wanted to check his liver because of stomach pain.

6. Why did John think his stomach might be related to his symptoms?

  • a) John thought his stomach issues were due to overeating.
  • b) John thought he might have a cold and his stomach was just a side effect.
  • c) John thought his stomach had been upset lately, but he hadn’t paid much attention to it.
  • d) John thought his stomach was fine and unrelated to his symptoms.
  • e) John believed the stomach pain was from a viral infection.
  • f) John thought his stomach was hurting because he was anxious.

7. What other organs did the doctor want to check to rule out possible causes?

  • a) The doctor wanted to check his teeth and skin.
  • b) The doctor wanted to check his stomach and pancreas.
  • c) The doctor wanted to check his brain and bladder.
  • d) The doctor wanted to check his eyes and ears.
  • e) The doctor wanted to check his liver and kidneys.
  • f) The doctor wanted to check his lungs and heart again.

8. How did John feel about the tests the doctor ordered?

  • a) John felt completely calm and not worried at all.
  • b) John was angry and refused to take the tests.
  • c) John felt unsure and wanted a second opinion before proceeding.
  • d) John didn’t care about the tests and just wanted to go home.
  • e) John was nervous about the tests but was reassured by the doctor.
  • f) John felt excited and eager to know the results.

9. What did the doctor say about the results after the tests were completed?

  • a) The doctor explained that John's heart was the primary concern, but they would rather monitor his ov
  • b) The doctor recommended taking medication for the kidneys only.
  • c) The doctor said that John’s lungs were the main concern.
  • d) The doctor said everything was fine and there was no need for further action.
  • e) The doctor said John needed immediate surgery on his heart.
  • f) The doctor said the tests showed no problems with any of his organs.

10. How did John feel after learning the cause of his symptoms?

  • a) John was indifferent and didn’t care about the diagnosis.
  • b) John felt relieved after knowing the cause and understanding what he needed to do.
  • c) John didn’t believe the results and felt confused.
  • d) John felt scared and unsure about his future health.
  • e) John felt angry with the doctor for not finding the problem sooner.
  • f) John felt disappointed and frustrated about the diagnosis.
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