Tema 7.2: Listening. Would rather (than).
Escucha el audio y ayuda al teacher a transcribir las oraciones que oigas:
Escucha el siguiente audio y escoge las respuestas correctas:
1. What was the first symptom John experienced when he woke up?
2. What did John decide to do when he realized something wasn't right?
3. What did the doctor suggest they would rather do with John’s heart?
4. Why did the doctor want to run tests on John’s heart right away?
5. What did the doctor want to check besides John’s heart?
6. Why did John think his stomach might be related to his symptoms?
7. What other organs did the doctor want to check to rule out possible causes?
8. How did John feel about the tests the doctor ordered?
9. What did the doctor say about the results after the tests were completed?
10. How did John feel after learning the cause of his symptoms?
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